Wednesday 30 April 2014

A wise man once said “you gotta enjoy the little things”. With the way the world is, it's something that's really easy to forget.

For example, I was laid in bed just now at an ungodly hour, trying to weigh up the benefits of a scimitar or curved blade versus a straight sword or longsword type weapon (it's a long story on how I got to thinking about such things). Personally, I haven't got a clue. I'd just imagine swinging at someone with a scimitar and being at the right range that the curved blade entirely misses them by millimetres; that'd be just my luck.

For those of you who stopped reading, I apologise. For those of you still with me, thank you. I'm at the right age where, if I was fifteen years younger, I'd have had to ask people, or go to a library to research that kind of thing. As it is, all I have to do is turn on a magical box that connects to a magical web that brings all the information directly to me.

At times, you wouldn't think this is the case. We live in a world where information is seconds away at any given moment... yet we also live in a world where racial hatred, discrimination and violence still exist. We live in a world where we're all connected... yet we also live in a world where there's a huge gulf between the rich and the poor, and those who have power versus those who don't.

If you were expecting answers, I don't have any. We are what we are: human beings. A flawed animal, but with some great ideas. Like the blog says, I'm not exactly sane. I just talk a lot.

(Scimitars are good for horse combat, by the way. They tend to not get stuck in bodies as much. The more you know!)